Sign-ups for Auditions and Kid Ensemble are live!


First, go to the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Store to pay Child Participation Fees* and Adult Dues.  You must be logged in to Membership Toolkit (MTK) to access the store.


Then, after checking out and paying, follow the link in the emailed receipt (sent immediately by MTK) to see the Sign-up Genius links for Adult Auditions and Kids Ensemble.


*Kids Ensemble parents and guardians: if you haven't already done so, click on My Account and then Contact Information to make sure your kids are listed as Additional Family Members.  Child Participation Fees for Grades 1-5 appear in the store only if you have Additional Family Members listed.


If all spots for a grade are taken, please enter your information in the waiting list.


Performance Dates for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Friday, February 7 at 7 PM
Saturday, February 8 at 2 PM and 7 PM
Sunday, February 9 at 2 PM


This season's performances will be at Tappan Middle School Auditorium


Important Dates For Children's Ensemble

December 1: Sign-up Deadline
Week of Jan. 6: Kid Rehearsals Start

Sun, Jan 19th 1p-4p: Kids Watch
Tues, Jan 21st 7p-10p: Merge Kids
Sun, Jan 26th 1p-4p: Run with Kids
Sat-Wed, Feb. 1-5: Dress Rehearsals


Important Dates for Adult Cast and Child Leads


October 28 & 29 - Auditions

Jeremy & Jemima (7-8 p.m.)

Adults (8-10 p.m.)


October 30 - Callbacks

Nov. 6- First Read Through

Jan. 31-Feb. 9– Mandatory



Sign-up Process for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Thank you for your interest in participating in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!


As discussed at the fall meeting, we only have 21 slots per grade available in the Kids Ensemble this year.


In order to sign up you will need to follow these steps:


Login to Membership Toolkit (MTK):


If you aren't logged in already, click LOGIN (upper right)


Returning Users:

If you have an existing MTK account with Burns Park Players or Burns Park Elementary, Log In

Use the "I forgot my password" feature if needed; save your new password


New Users:

Create Account if you have no login to an organization that uses MTK


Update Profile:


Follow prompts to add/update family information to your account. Add a 2nd (adult) contact if you wish. Important: You must add each child as an "Additional Family Member" in order to be able to proceed later and sign up the child.


You can always reach your list of contacts and family members by clicking on "Your Account" from the black banner and then click on "Contact Information".


Pay Membership Fees:



Navigate directly to the "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Store" from the home page.


For the Kids Ensemble, add the $100 Grade "X" Child Participation Fee(s) to the cart. Choose the appropriate grade or grades for your child or children.


Note: due to capacity constraints, we must limit participation in each grade to 21 kids. After 21 Child Participation Fees have been paid for, MTK will indicate no more are available. If no more spots are available, you may add your name to the waiting list.


For Adult Ensemble, add the $75 Adult Dues to the cart for each adult cast member.


For 6th and 7th graders auditioning for the roles of Jemima or Jeremy Potts, select the $0 "item" specifically for that.


Proceed to checkout and complete payment with credit card, if applicable.


After you have paid, you will immediately receive an email receipt.  SAVE THIS EMAILED RECEIPT. It contains the link to the Sign-up Geniuses for Kids Ensemble and Adult Ensemble auditions.


Note: Payment of a Grade X Child Participation Fee and/or an Adult Dues upgrades your status to "Member" in MTK. The link to the Sign-up Geniuses will only work for paid Members.


Sign up via Sign-up Geniuses:


Using the link in the email receipt, proceed to the Sign-up Geniuses for Kids Ensemble participation and/or Adult Ensemble auditions.


Sign up for a spot in either list.









 Membership Tools


Create & Edit Account  |  Download App  |  Calendar Subscriptions  |  News


If this is your first time visiting, please take a moment to create your personal account. First, (1) register an account with Membership Toolkit, then second, (2) login to create your BPP account and directory listing. (If you already have a Membership Toolkit account setup from the BPE PTO site, then please proceed to Step #2. Detailed directions






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