Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 4-5pm at Burns Park Elementary. Kiddos will have 15 minutes to unwind and grab a snack before we begin.
Children's Director: Olivia Allen
Children's Rehearsal Coordinator: Gina Katz
You only have to attend ONE rehearsal per week, but you're welcome to attend more! Please ensure you pick your kiddo up promptly at 5pm! If your kiddo is in after-care or walks home, please inform the appropriate parties.
Every child is a Munchkin and will be provided a blue tie-dye t-shirt. This is for you to keep! You will need to provide plain blue pants of any shade/style and plain safe shoes.
Each grade also has a specific character. This costume is provided by, and needs to be returned to, Burns Park Players.
K - Bluebirds
1 - Bluebirds
2 - Flowers
3 - Cupids
4 - Lions, Tigers, Bears
5 - Guards
Since there are no dressing rooms, all kiddos need to wear some kind of undergarment to allow them to change in the screening room.
Dress Rehearsal
Kiddos need to attend a final dress rehearsal the evening of Tuesday, February 27th. Time TBD. Parents will need to stick around and sit in the audience with their children until their grade is released for the evening.
Kiddos need to arrive no earlier than 6pm and no later than 6:30pm and report to the screening room where they will check in and get their costume on. We have parent volunteers who will be backstage to take care of supervising, assisting, and escorting them to the stage.
Volunteer Hours
If you need to sign up for volunteer hours you can do so here. Please ensure you log your 10 completed volunteer hours here.
Ad Sales
Use this form to submit your ad sales or a shout out for your child.