Sponsorship & Advertising
2023 BPP Production of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST
BPP Contact: Hiag Avsharian
734-395-3642 havsharian@gmail.com
Burns Park Players is a 501 (C3) Non-Profit
Show Dates: February 23-26, 2023
Production Sponsor $5,000
Sponsor Name on Michigan Theater Marquee Feb 20-26, 2023
Back cover full page B&W program ad, pre-show and intermission curtain speech call outs at all shows, 8 premium level tickets per show, logo on all marketing materials including posters, website, social media, and table space in lobby for all shows.
Feature Sponsor $3,000
Premium full page B&W program ad (inside covers), BPP player mention at all intermission curtain speeches, 16 total premium tickets, Marketing display in lobby, logo on poster prints, table space in lobby for all shows, acknowledgement by BPP on social media, feature on BPP website.
Performance Sponsor $2,000
Premium full page B&W program ad, mentioned in all intermission curtain speeches, 8 total premium tickets, Logo on poster prints, acknowledgement by BPP on social media, feature on BPP website.
Patron Sponsor $1,000
Full page B&W program ad, mentioned in curtain speech of choice, 4 total premium tickets, logo on poster prints, acknowledgement by BPP on social media, feature on BPP website.
Supporting Sponsor $500
Full page B&W program ad, 2 total premium tickets, logo on poster prints, feature on BPP website.
Program B&W Ad Rates
Full Page $500
Half Page $250
One Third Page $175
Quarter Page $125
Business Card ⅛ Page $65